Coding for Kids

Learn to code with our fun collection of articles, videos, projects and other resources.

Enrichment Activities for Kids

Jun 22 2024

Here is how to nurture curiosity and learning beyond the classroom!
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Top 25 Computer Science Internships for High School Students

Jun 20 2024

Learn about the most exciting internship opportunities to kickstart your career!
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numpy.percentile() in Python

Jun 17 2024

Do you know how to compute percentiles in Python? What are percentiles, you wonder...
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How to update a Python dictionary

Jun 4 2024

Learn a handy way to update a Python dictionary in one line!
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How do you breed dogs in Minecraft?

May 23 2024

Learn how to breed and maintain dogs in your Minecraft session!
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How to drop items in Minecraft

May 21 2024

You know how to gather items but do you know how to dispose of items from your inventory?
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How to find a swamp in Minecraft

May 17 2024

Swamps are useful Minecraft biomes that are generally found on relatively flat terrain.
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How do you make bows and arrows in Minecraft?

May 13 2024

Learn three different ways to make or acquire bows and arrows in Minecraft!
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What is Minecraft adventure mode?

Apr 30 2024

You know about survival and creative modes but do you know of Minecraft’s adventure mode?
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How big is a Minecraft world?

Apr 28 2024

Is a Minecraft world finite or limitless?
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What do cows eat in Minecraft?

Apr 3 2024

Learn what cows eat, how to feed them, and why you should do so!
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What is aqua affinity in Minecraft?

Apr 3 2024

Learn how to increase your mining speed underwater in Minecraft!
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How to make grass grow (faster) in Minecraft

Apr 2 2024

Grass grows naturally in Minecraft but do you know how to make it grow faster?
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What does impaling do in Minecraft?

Apr 2 2024

Learn about impaling, a Minecraft enchantment that can be applied to tridents to do extra damage to water objects!
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How to check an item’s durability in Minecraft

Apr 1 2024

Durability denotes the number of uses an item has left in Minecraft. Learn how to check an item’s durability!
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Mining fatigue in Minecraft

Apr 1 2024

Learn about mining fatigue, an extremely rare and detrimental enchantment!
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What is respiration in Minecraft?

Mar 19 2024

Want to breathe longer underwater in Minecraft? We got you covered!
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How rare is a pink sheep in Minecraft?

Mar 19 2024

Have you seen a pink sheep in Minecraft? Do they exist at all?
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How to tame a polar bear in Minecraft

Feb 24 2024

You can’t quite tame polar bears, or can you?
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How to show hitboxes in Minecraft

Feb 24 2024

Learn the many uses of hitboxes and how to show them!
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How to remove enchantments in Minecraft

Feb 21 2024

Learn when some types of enchantments should be removed and how!
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How to open an iron door in Minecraft

Feb 21 2024

Iron doors in Minecraft require Redstone devices to open them - learn how and their many uses!
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How to create a shopping list in Python

Feb 18 2024

Learn to create a shopping list in Python in an object oriented programming style!
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How to sort a Python dictionary by key

Feb 18 2024

Sorting a Python dictionary by keys is a cinch - learn how!
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How to append to a Python dictionary

Feb 5 2024

It is so easy to append entries to a Python dictionary. See how!
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How to export a Python Dataframe into an SQL file

Feb 5 2024

Learn to export a Python dataframe of entries into an SQL file.
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How to change the dimensions of a numpy array

Feb 4 2024

Learn how to alter the dimensions of a Python numpy array!
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How to delete files in Python

Feb 4 2024

Learn how to programmatically delete files on your computer using Python libraries!
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What is Ucode?

Jan 14 2024

Learn about Ucode, an ID system for identifying objects in the real world.
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What is tweening in animation?

Dec 23 2023

Tweening is the process by which animators create smooth movements and transitions between frames. Learn how it works!
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Control Structures in Python

Dec 5 2023

Learn about the rich variety of control structures in Python and when to use each of them!
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Javascript toISOString()

Dec 3 2023

Learn how to convert Javascript Date objects into strings in ISO format!
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What do frogs eat in Minecraft?

Nov 30 2023

Learn the peculiar culinary preferences of frogs in Minecraft and how to feed them!
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What do dolphins eat in Minecraft?

Nov 29 2023

Learn about dolphins’ appetites and how to feed them in Minecraft!
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Luck of the Sea in Minecraft

Nov 29 2023

Learn about the luck of the sea enchantment in Minecraft and how it can be applied to fishing rods!
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How to reload chunks in Minecraft

Nov 27 2023

Learn how a Minecraft world is made up of chunks and how to reload chunks!
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What does loyalty do in Minecraft?

Nov 27 2023

Learn about the loyalty enchantment in Minecraft and what it can do for you!
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What do pigs eat in Minecraft?

Nov 22 2023

Learn what pigs eat in Minecraft and how to get them to eat!
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How to make a cauldron in Minecraft

Nov 22 2023

Learn to make a cauldron in Minecraft and its many uses!
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How to get brown dye in Minecraft

Nov 22 2023

Brown dye is an extremely rare dye in Minecraft; learn how to obtain it and its uses!
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How to scroll automatically to the bottom of a webpage

Nov 13 2023

Learn to use Javascript to scroll down on a webpage!
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How to use Javascript’s Slick.js to create a Carousel

Nov 13 2023

Learn to make an interactive, compelling, carousel in your webpage using Javascript’s slick library!
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The Increment (++) Arithmetic Operator in Javascript

Nov 9 2023

Learn the increment (++) operator in Javascript and how it works!
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Building a simple clicker in Javascript

Nov 9 2023

Learn how to make a simple clicker (game) in Javascript!
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Getting URL parameters with Javascript

Nov 8 2023

Learn how to extract URL parameters from your URL using Javascript!
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How to download a file from a URL using Javascript

Nov 8 2023

Learn to programmatically download a file from your Javascript program!
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How to add commas to a Javascript number

Oct 25 2023

Learn how to add commas to a Javascript number to make it more readable!
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How to check if a Javascript string is a number

Oct 25 2023

How do you test if a Javascript string is a number? Learn simple programs to conduct this test!
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How to round down a number in Javascript

Oct 24 2023

Learn different ways to round down a number in Javascript!
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How to find all combinations of array values in Javascript

Oct 23 2023

Learn how to generate all combinations of array values in Javascript!
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Does Javascript support list comprehensions?

Oct 23 2023

Javascript does not directly support list comprehensions but it provides map, filter, reduce, and other similar concepts from functional programming.
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Javascript 'if not'

Oct 21 2023

How do you check for 'if not's in Javascript? Learn how!
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The question mark (?) operator in Javascript

Oct 21 2023

Learn the many uses for the question mark (“?”) operator in Javascript.
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How to add days to dates in Javascript

Oct 17 2023

Learn easy tricks to add some number of days to the current date in Javascript.
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Commenting out in Javascript

Oct 17 2023

Learn the rules of commenting in Javascript, especially how to comment out multiple lines!
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How to swap variables in Javascript

Oct 12 2023

Learn five (yes five!) different ways to swap two variables in Javascript.
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Javascript toFixed()

Oct 12 2023

Learn to convert numbers to strings in Javascript and how to enforce a length in doing so!
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Javascript’s double question mark (??)

Oct 7 2023

Learn how and when to use the Javascript double question mark (??) operator!
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Javascript trimEnd()

Oct 7 2023

trimEnd() is a handy Javascript method that, as the name suggests, trims your string of any whitespace at the end of it.
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Python assertEqual()

Sep 26 2023

assertEqual() is a useful way to test your Python programs and double-check that they are working as intended.
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How does a capacitor work?

Sep 25 2023

Learn how a capacitor, one of the fundamental trinity of passive electric components, works!
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How to make smooth sandstone in Minecraft

Sep 21 2023

Learn how to make smooth sandstone and create variety in your Minecraft builds!
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Is X a Prime?

Sep 10 2023

Learn how to find if a given number is prime, using both math, and in Python!
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How to grow Bamboo in Minecraft

Sep 4 2023

Learn how to grow and use bamboo, a very rare plant, in Minecraft!
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How to pretty print a JSON object in Python

Aug 31 2023

Learn how to pretty print complex JSON data objects in Python!
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How to bold text in Python

Aug 31 2023

Learn how to bold (and unbold) characters in your Python print statements!
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How to determine if a Python object is iterable

Jul 24 2023

How do you check if a Python object is iterable, i.e., can be iterated over? Learn three different ways.
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Iterating over a Python list in reverse

Jul 24 2023

How do you traverse a list in reverse order?
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How to pass boolean command line arguments to a Python program

Jul 23 2023

Learn how to pass a boolean command line argument to your Python program.
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How to pass a list as a command-line argument to a Python program

Jul 23 2023

Learn how to pass command line arguments to your Python program, in particular a list of arguments!
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How to convert a Python list to a string

Jul 22 2023

How do you take a Python list and place its elements into a list interspersed with commas? Learn three different ways!
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How to list the alphabet in Python

Jul 22 2023

Learn three handy ways to obtain a list of all the alphabetic characters in Python!
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Python string buffers

Jul 18 2023

You know about Python strings but do you know what a Python string buffer is?
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How to truncate a Python string

Jul 18 2023

Sometimes you will need to truncate a string in Python. Learn why and how!
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How to remove punctuation from a Python string

Jul 17 2023

Need a way to get rid of nuisance punctuation characters from a Python string? Learn three different ways!
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How to remove newlines from a Python string

Jul 17 2023

Learn four different ways to remove newline characters from a Python string!
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Where to find spruce wood in Minecraft

Jul 11 2023

There are at least four different ways to obtain spruce wood - learn them!
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How to make Sandstone in Minecraft

Jul 6 2023

It is quite easy to obtain Sandstone, an ectremely abundant block in Minecraft.
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How to make a pressure plate in Minecraft

Jul 6 2023

Learn how to get pressure plates, a must-have for Minecraft enthusiasts!
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How to make your own Scratch Platformer Game

Jun 29 2023

Platformers are an extremely popular genre of games. Learn the types of platformer games and how to code them using Scratch blocks!
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How to make stripped wood in Minecraft

Jun 27 2023

Learn how to make stripped wood by mining houses or by stripping trees!
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What does punch do in Minecraft?

Jun 26 2023

Punch is a Minecraft enhancement that can be applied to bows to increase the knockback from bow shots.
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How to make it rain in Minecraft

Jun 26 2023

Most players avoid the rain but how can you get it to rain in Minecraft?
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Poisonous Potatoes in Minecraft

Jun 23 2023

What can you do with a poisonous potato in Minecraft? How do you obtain and use one?
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How to get leaves in Minecraft

Jun 23 2023

Learn a handy way to get leaves in Minecraft and their many uses!
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How to print a line break in Python

Jun 21 2023

Do you know how to print line breaks in Python? Learn the different ways!
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How to skip a line in your Python program

Jun 21 2023

Every once in a while you will encounter a need to skip a line of code in your Python program under certain conditions. Learn how to do so!
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What are functors in Python?

Jun 3 2023

You know about functions but do you know about functors in Python? Sounds funky!
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How to Get Silk Touch in Minecraft

Jun 3 2023

Learn how to obtain silk touch, a very useful enhancement, in Minecraft and what you can do with it!
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Variables in Scratch

Jun 3 2023

Did you know you can setup and use variables in Scratch in addition to stacking blocks?
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How to multiply numbers in Python

May 22 2023

Did you know there are six ways to multiply in Python? How? - you ask. Let us show you the ways...
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How to find the average of a list in Python

May 22 2023

Learn three quick ways to compute the average of a list in Python.
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Minecraft Seed Generation

May 20 2023

Minecraft seeds are strings of character(s) (including negative or positive integers) that are used as the basis for generating a Minecraft world. Learn all you need to know about seeds!
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How to convert a list to a tuple in Python

May 20 2023

Here are handy ways to convert a Python list to a tuple!
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How to make Black Concrete in Minecraft

May 19 2023

Black concrete is a decorative block in Minecraft, used as an alternative to wool or terracotta. Learn how to make it!
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How to return a tuple in Python

May 19 2023

Want to return multiple values from your Python function and need to understand how?
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How to play Bedwars in Minecraft

May 18 2023

Learn about one of the most popular Minecraft minigames, its basics, and features!
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How to end a Python program

May 12 2023

Learn three ways to conclude a Python program, from the most natural to the most serious!
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How to add Time Delays to your Python program

May 12 2023

Learn three different ways to add time delays in your Python program.
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How to set environment variables in Python

May 9 2023

Learn what environment variables are in Python and how to set or change them!
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How to access environment variable values in Python

May 9 2023

Learn what environment variables are in Python and how to access them!
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How to find the parent directory path in Python

May 9 2023

Learn two handy ways to find the parent directory in Python!
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Python numpy.eye()

May 8 2023

Learn a useful Python numpy function to create identity matrices.
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Python numpy.diag()

May 8 2023

Learn a convenient Python numpy function to extract diagonals from arrays!
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numpy.any() in Python

May 7 2023

numpy.any() is a handy function to test if any element in a given input Python numpy array evaluates to a True.
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numpy.isnan() in Python

May 7 2023

numpy.isnan() is a quick way to check if a given value is not a number (NaN).
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Calculating numerical gradients using numpy.gradient()

May 6 2023

Learn how you can find the gradient of a function denoted by values in an array!
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Python numpy.split()

May 6 2023

Learn a handy way to split a numpy array into subarrays of possibly different sizes.
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How to add Days to a Date in Python

May 5 2023

Learn how to add days to a given date in Python to arrive at a new date!
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Find the day of the week in Python

May 5 2023

Haven’t you wondered what day of the week your future birthday will fall on? There is a method for that in Python!
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Python numpy.cumsum()

May 2 2023

numpy.cumsum() is a handy function used to compute cumulative sums. Learn how to use it!
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Python numpy.repeat()

May 2 2023

numpy.repeat() is a very useful function that can be used to repeat elements in an array.
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How to use numpy.roll() in Python

Apr 29 2023

Learn to use numpy.roll() to rotate your array’s values circularly!
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Data clipping with numpy.clip()

Apr 29 2023

Use numpy.clip() to truncate values outside an interval in a given array.
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How to make a chain in Minecraft

Apr 27 2023

Chains are a nice decorative touch to any build in Minecraft. Learn how to make them!
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How to make a bow in Minecraft

Apr 27 2023

Learn four different ways to make bows in Minecraft and their many uses!
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How to make iron bars in Minecraft

Apr 27 2023

Learn how to make iron bars in Minecraft by crafting or finding, and their many uses!
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How to compare dates in Python

Apr 2 2023

Learn how to compare dates in Python using built-in functions and libraries!
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Python’s math.log2() function

Apr 2 2023

Learn what the log2() function in Python does!
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How to convert a boolean to string in Python

Mar 29 2023

Learn how to convert a Python boolean to a string value!
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How to convert a string to boolean in Python

Mar 29 2023

Learn how to convert a Python string to a boolean value!
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How to pad a Python String

Mar 28 2023

Learn how to pad a Python string so it looks just the way you want it!
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How to remove the first character from a Python String

Mar 28 2023

Learn three handy ways to remove the first character from a Python string!
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How to print the first 10 records of a Pandas dataframe

Mar 27 2023

When you wish to take a sneak peek at your Pandas dataframe, e.g., print only the first 10 records, there are handy ways to do that!
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How to reorder Pandas dataframe columns

Mar 27 2023

Sometimes your Pandas dataframe contains the columns you need but in the wrong order. Learn how to reorder columns in a dataframe!
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Python Pandas crosstab()

Mar 21 2023

Learn how to prepare useful summary tables using Pandas crosstab()!
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How to find the column names of a Pandas dataframe

Mar 21 2023

Learn three handy ways to obtain a list of all the column names in a Pandas frame!
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Pandas date_range()

Mar 14 2023

date_range() is a very useful function in Pandas that returns a set of evenly spaced dates in a given interval!
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How to extract the nth row in a Pandas dataframe

Mar 14 2023

Learn a handy way to extract the nth row of a Pandas dataframe!
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Tuple comprehensions in Python

Mar 13 2023

Learn how to construct tuple comprehensions in Python and what they are used for!
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Everything you need to know about Python hash()

Mar 13 2023

Learn how the hash() function works in Python, its uses, and applications!
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Python regex groups

Mar 12 2023

The 'group' feature of Python regular expressions allows you to extract parts of matching strings and use them in your program.
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How to split strings in Python using re.split()

Mar 12 2023

A useful skill to know is to split a string into multiple elements based on (some) delimiter characters. Python’s re.split() function is what you need!
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Named Tuples in Python

Mar 12 2023

Want to create user-friendly tuples in your Python program? Use the namedtuple data structure from the Python collections module.
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How to unpack a tuple in Python

Mar 12 2023

Tuples are incredibly useful data structures for your Python program. Learn how to unpack tuples in your program!
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How to rotate and scale a vector in Python

Mar 2 2023

Use the Python math library to write your own rotating and scaling functions for vectors in Python!
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numpy.linspace() in Python

Mar 2 2023

Are you looking for a way to easily create evenly spaced numbers between two given values? If so, Python’s numpy.linspace() is just what you need!
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How to slice a dictionary in Python

Mar 1 2023

What does it mean to slice a dictionary in Python?
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Comparing two Python dictionaries

Mar 1 2023

How do you go about comparing two Python dictionaries?
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Shuffling a Python dictionary

Feb 28 2023

What does it mean to shuffle a Python dictionary? Are there easy ways to shuffle?
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Converting a Python dictionary into JSON

Feb 28 2023

Learn useful methods to serialize a Python dictionary into JSON format!
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Finding logarithms using Python’s math.log10()

Feb 27 2023

Learn how to compute logarithms in regular base 10 using Python!
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Finding the LCM using Python’s math.lcm()

Feb 27 2023

Learn a handy way to compute the least common multiple of integer arguments in Python!
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How to make a Clicker Game in Scratch

Feb 26 2023

Clicker games are so much fun and entertaining! Learn how to create your own clicker game in Scratch!
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Python math.comb()

Feb 25 2023

In how many ways can you choose two candies from 4 candies? There is a Python math function for that!
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Dictionary unpacking into variables

Feb 25 2023

Sometimes you will have a dictionary mapping keys to values and you wish to unpack these entries into individual variable=value assignments. There is an elegant approach in Python to accomplish this task.
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How to convert variables into dictionary entries

Feb 24 2023

Sometimes you will have a list of variables and you would like to create a dictionary with the variable names as keys and variable values as the mapped values. Here is a very simple way to do this!
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How to check if a key exists in a Python dictionary

Feb 24 2023

Here are three handy ways to check if a specified key exists in a Python dictionary!
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Finding cross products using numpy.cross()

Feb 23 2023

Learn what the cross product of two vectors is and how to find it in Python using numpy.cross()!
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Find all factors of a number in Python

Feb 23 2023

How can you systematically find all the factors of a given number so that you don’t miss any factors? Here is a Python program to do just that!
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Euler’s number in Python

Feb 22 2023

Are you a math geek and looking to access Euler’s number (the transcendental number “e”) in your Python program? The Python math library has the constant for you!
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Accessing the Boltzmann Constant in Python

Feb 22 2023

Are you a physics geek and looking to access the Boltzmann constant in your Python program? There is a very easy way!
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How can we concatenate a string to an integer in Python?

Feb 21 2023

You will come across a need to concatenate a string to an integer in your Python journey. Learn how to do so!
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Loop count in Python

Feb 21 2023

In a Python loop what if you would like to know how many times you have been looping so far? There is a Python-ic way to do that!
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How to use numpy.sum() in Python

Feb 20 2023

numpy.sum() is a handy function that returns the sum of elements of numpy arrays either all at once or along specified axes.
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Negative Indexing in a Python String

Feb 20 2023

A negative index into a string might seem counterintuitive but it has a very simple interpretation.
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How to exit a function in Python

Feb 19 2023

Learn how to effectively end a function in Python!
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Python’s math.trunc() function

Feb 19 2023

Python’s math.trunc() function is one of the easiest methods to grasp - it simply cuts out the decimal portion of its argument without rounding up or down.
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Python numpy's np.unique() function

Feb 18 2023

Learn how to find and return unique values from your numpy array!
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How do you remove None from a Python list?

Feb 18 2023

You might sometimes come across a Python list with None values. Learn how to remove these values!
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How to split a list into sublists of given lengths

Feb 16 2023

Learn how to split a list into sublists with predefined lengths!
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Numbered squares from 1 to 100

Feb 16 2023

Lets write a simple Python program to find all the square numbers from 1 to 100!
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How to print a Python list without brackets and commas

Feb 15 2023

Want to print a list in Python without the annoying brackets and commas? Learn how to do so!
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Feb 15 2023

numpy.round() is a handy function to round elements of your array. Learn how to use it!
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Removing the last character from a string in Python

Feb 11 2023

Learn two handy ways to remove the last character from a string in Python!
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Pi in Python numpy

Feb 11 2023

Learn how to get access to pi, the irrational number, in your Python programs using the numpy library.
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How to vote for Minecraft mobs

Feb 9 2023

The Minecraft Mob Vote is one of the most anticipated events in the Minecraft community each year. Learn about its history and how to vote yourself!
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How to get Coral in Minecraft

Feb 9 2023

Learn how to get coral in Minecraft, its uses, and some fun facts!
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How to increment a value in a Python dictionary

Jan 31 2023

Learn three different ways to increment a value in a Python dictionary!
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How to obtain the first key in a Python dictionary

Jan 31 2023

Become a Python dictionary expert by learning how to find the first key in a given dictionary!
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How to convert a string to a float in Python

Jan 23 2023

Learn how to convert a string to a float in Python using just one function call!
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Find all permutations of a given string in Python

Jan 23 2023

How do you find all permutations of characters in a given string? This is one of those examples where recursion proves to be an ideal way to approach the problem.
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Flattening a nested list in Python

Jan 19 2023

Learn how to flatten a nested list in Python!
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When would you need a nested lambda in Python?

Jan 19 2023

A lambda is an unnamed, anonymous function in Python. A nested lambda is a lambda within a lambda. Learn when you might need it!
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How to convert a Python list to a numpy array

Jan 17 2023

Learn the intricacies involved in converting a regular python list to a numpy array and what your options are!
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How to check if two numpy arrays are equal

Jan 17 2023

Sometimes you will want to make an element-wise comparison of two numpy arrays. There is a function for that!
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Python numpy.histogramdd()

Jan 14 2023

Python’s numpy.histogramdd() is a very useful function to compute histograms out of multidimensional data. Learn the different ways to use it!
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Python's numpy.ones() function

Jan 14 2023

Python numpy has a handy function to create an array of specified shape and type, filled with ones. Check it out!
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How to compute the Manhattan distance in Python numpy

Jan 9 2023

Want to find the distance by foot between two locations in Python? Learn how to compute the Manhattan distance!
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How to compute the Euclidean distance in Python numpy

Jan 9 2023

Want to find the shortest distance between two cities in Python? The numpy module has many options for you!
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Does Python allow multiline lambda functions?

Jan 8 2023

Lambda functions are 'use and throw' functions. Learn if you can split a lambda function across multiple lines and what the rules for writing lambda functions are!
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Python max() using lambda functions

Jan 8 2023

Sometimes you just want to create your own custom maximum function; Python lambdas have a solution for you!
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How to convert a Python range to a list

Jan 7 2023

In your Python journey you will encounter a need to convert a Python range into a list. Learn three ways to do so!
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How to reverse a range in Python

Jan 7 2023

Ranges are a staple of iteration in Python. Learn how to reverse a range!
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How to convert a comma-separated string into a list in Python

Jan 5 2023

Learn how to convert a comma-separated string into a list in Python, a very common operation!
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Python program for finding the greatest common divisor

Jan 5 2023

Learn how to distribute candy evenly by computing the greatest common divisor!
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How to check if a Python String is CamelCase

Dec 29 2022

A CamelCase string is one like Kodeclik or KodeclikOnlineAcademy, but not kodeclikonlineacademy. How can you check if a Python string is in CamelCase format?
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How to apply a function to all elements of a Python list

Dec 20 2022

Applying a function to each element of a list is such a handy and useful capability that you should learn all the ways Python makes it easy to do so!
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How to check for an empty string in Python

Dec 20 2022

In your Python journey, you will come across scenarios where you will need to check if a Python string is empty. Learn three ways to accomplish this frequent task.
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How to convert strings to bytes in Python

Dec 2 2022

Ever wondered how Python internally represents a string as bytes? There are handy functions to explore that!
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Python’s os.path.join() function

Nov 29 2022

The os.path.join() function in Python is a clean way to concatenate different strings to construct a complete filepath. Learn why and how to use it!
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How to import a class from another file in Python

Nov 29 2022

Python modules help logically organize code into multiple files; learn how to import a class from another file!
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Python os.chdir()

Nov 27 2022

Learn how to programmatically move between directories in Python!
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Python os.remove()

Nov 27 2022

Learn how to programmatically delete a file from within Python!
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How to make a sea lantern in Minecraft

Nov 26 2022

Sea Lanterns can help in activating conduits underwater and serve as an excellent light source. Learn two different ways to obtain them!
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How to get Magenta Dye in Minecraft

Nov 26 2022

Magenta dye can be used to add more color to your Minecraft game. Learn three different ways to obtain it!
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How to make Iron Nuggets in Minecraft

Nov 26 2022

Iron nuggets are useful for the creation of iron tools and armor; learn four different ways to obtain iron nuggets!
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What is a dirt block in Minecraft?

Nov 26 2022

The dirt block is probably one of the most iconic Minecraft blocks. Learn three ways to obtain a dirt block and its uses!
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Python os.listdir()

Nov 23 2022

Ever wanted to explore your directory but from within Python? Learn how!
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How (and why) to nest classes in Python

Nov 22 2022

Nested classes are those that are defined inside other classes. Learn when you will need this feature and how they are useful in object oriented programming!
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How to skip values in a Python list

Nov 22 2022

In processing lists in Python you might find a need to skip values in the list. Learn four different ways to do so!
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How to sort a list of tuples in Python

Nov 18 2022

What if you have a list of tuples and desire to sort it in your own way? Learn two popular methods to do so!
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Python Nested Lists

Nov 18 2022

Nested lists are useful data structures that are basically lists comprised of other lists. Learn when and how to use them in Python!
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How to unzip a list of tuples in Python

Nov 14 2022

Learn how to unzip a list of tuples in Python, from the easiest to the most Pythonic way!
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List subtraction in Python

Nov 14 2022

Learn six different ways to do element-by-element subtraction of two lists in Python!
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How to get flint and steel in Minecraft

Nov 13 2022

Flint and steel is a very useful Minecraft item important to moving forward in many aspects of the game. Learn how to get it and what to do with it!
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Lush Caves in Minecraft

Nov 13 2022

Lush caves are huge green caves introduced in the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update. Learn where to find them and their many uses!
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Python os.mkdir()

Nov 13 2022

Ever wanted to create directories programmatically from within Python? It is so easy!
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Python vars()

Nov 13 2022

The vars() function in Python inspects an object and returns a dictionary identifying the changeable attributes of the object along with their current values.
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The next function in Python

Nov 12 2022

The next() function in Python retrieves the next item from an iterator (constructed over a data structure such as a list or dictionary). Learn how to use it!
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How to swap positions of values in a Python dictionary

Nov 12 2022

Looking for a Python-ic way to swap positions of values in a Python dictionary? It just takes a few lines of code!
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Is Python case sensitive?

Nov 11 2022

As your journey into Python goes forward you will come to a point where you wonder if Python is case sensitive. Read on!
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How to create an inclusive range in Python

Nov 11 2022

The Python range function behaves in an off-by-one manner in how it does not include the end value. Learn how to create an inclusive range function!
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How to reverse a range in Python

Nov 8 2022

Sometimes you will need a loop in Python that counts down rather than counts up. Learn how to reverse a range in Python!
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Python's divmod() function

Nov 8 2022

Python’s divmod() is a very handy function that returns both the quotient and remainder of a division in a single step!
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Math.tan() in Python

Nov 7 2022

Learn to compute the tangent trigonometric ratio in Python with the Math.tan() function.
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Math.cos() in Python

Nov 7 2022

Learn to compute the cosine trigonometric ratio in Python with the Math.cos() function.
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How to Get Seagrass in Minecraft

Oct 22 2022

Seagrass is a lesser known item in Minecraft but has many uses. Learn three ways to get it!
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Math.sin() in Python

Oct 17 2022

Learn to compute the sine trigonometric ratio in Python with the Math.sin() function.
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Math Domain Error in Python

Oct 17 2022

Learn to solve 'math domain errors' in Python, one of the most common but sometimes frustrating error messages!
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Python’s math.isclose() function

Oct 8 2022

Learn about the math.isclose() function in Python and how to use it!
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Python program to print all prime factors of a given number

Oct 8 2022

Learn how to factorize a number into its prime factors in Python, in two different ways!
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math.floor() in Python

Oct 6 2022

Learn about the math.floor() function and when to use it!
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math.ceil() in Python

Oct 6 2022

Learn about the math.ceil() function and when to use it!
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Computing the nth row of Pascal’s Triangle

Oct 4 2022

Pascal’s triangle is a very useful construct in discrete math and can be easily computed in Python. Learn how!
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What does [-1] mean in Python?

Oct 4 2022

Did you know you can retrieve the '-1'th element of a Python list? What? What does that mean?
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What is coding for kids?

Sep 27 2022

What is coding and why should kids learn to code? Here are the reasons.
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What are string variables?

Sep 21 2022

Learn about string variables: when to use them and useful operations on them such as comparisons and concatenation!
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Objects in OOP

Sep 18 2022

In computer science, specifically object oriented programming (OOP), an object denotes a collection of variables and functions that are encapsulated to denote objects found in the real world.
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Quadrants in Math

Sep 18 2022

As the name suggests, a quadrant means 'one fourth' and refers to a quarter of the cartesian plane defined by the x- and y-axes.
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Sequences in Computer Science

Sep 17 2022

A sequence is a list of instructions that must be executed strictly in the given order. All programming languages provide support to specify sequences of statements.
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What are Conditional Statements?

Sep 17 2022

Conditional statements are statements of the form: “if …. do …” or “if… then”. They are a staple ingredient in any complex program. Learn when and how to use them!
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What are integers?

Sep 14 2022

Integers are a very common data type in all programming languages. Learn when to use them, how to represent them, and operations you can perform on integers.
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What is a string?

Sep 14 2022

Learn about one of the most useful data types in computer science, the string!
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How to get a leash in Minecraft

Sep 5 2022

Learn three ways to obtain a leash in Minecraft and how you can use it to transport mobs!
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How to not allow special characters in a textbox

Sep 5 2022

Learn a simple approach to validate your user’s input in a textbox so as to not allow special characters!
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How to plant sugar cane in Minecraft

Aug 28 2022

Learn how to get sugar cane in Minecraft by planting or farming and its different uses!
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How to make a clock in Minecraft

Aug 28 2022

Learn three ways to obtain a clock in Minecraft and its many uses!
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How to make purple dye in Minecraft

Aug 26 2022

Learn the many ways to make purple dye in Minecraft and its many uses!
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How to make black dye in Minecraft

Aug 26 2022

Learn two ways to make black dye in Minecraft and its many uses!
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How to build a roof in Minecraft

Aug 25 2022

Roofs are an essential part of many Minecraft builds; learn the many reasons for roofs and the various ways to construct them!
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How to get an obsidian in Minecraft

Aug 25 2022

Obsidian is a very useful Minevraft block; learn four different ways to obtain it!
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What is quick charge in Minecraft?

Aug 24 2022

Learn about a very useful Minecraft enhancement that improves the speed to load crossbows!
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How to kill an iron golem in Minecraft

Aug 24 2022

Learn five different ways to kill iron golems, one of the most powerful Minecraft mobs!
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How to swim in Minecraft

Aug 24 2022

Learn how to travel fast in water by swimming, its uses, and some fun facts about swimming!
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How to turn off fire spread in Minecraft

Aug 24 2022

Fire spread as a gamerule is on by default but there are special cases where it is advisable to keep it off. Learn how!
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What is NaN in Javascript?

Jul 22 2022

NaNs refer to objects in Javascript that are not valid numbers. Learn how they occur and how to check for them!
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How to get user input in Javascript

Jul 22 2022

Learn two approaches to get user input in Javascript: the prompt() method and a textbox.
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How to check if a letter is uppercase in Javascript

Jul 20 2022

Learn a handy way to check if a letter is uppercase in Javascript!
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How to Reverse a String in Javascript

Jul 20 2022

Learn four different ways to reverse a string in Javascript. Which one will be your favorite?
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How to get yesterday’s date (or tomorrow’s date) in Javascript

Jul 19 2022

Need a handy way to get yesterday’s date (or tomorrow’s date) in your Javascript code? Learn how!
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Find your current time zone in Javascript

Jul 19 2022

Here’s a very handy program to determine your current time zone programmatically in Javascript.
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Getting the value of a clicked button in Javascript

Jul 17 2022

Want to setup buttons on your page and recognize when they are clicked? Learn how to do so!
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Hiding Dropdown Values in Javascript

Jul 17 2022

Learn how to hide dropdown values in Javascript based on user selections elsewhere. This is very useful in creating interactive menus.
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Removing Elements from a DOM in Javascript

Jul 6 2022

Learn how to programmatically remove elements from a DOM and modify a webpage!
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Javascript instanceof

Jul 6 2022

Javascript’s instanceof operator is a very convenient way to understand objects and their types. Learn how to use it!
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How to scramble a word in Javascript

Jul 5 2022

Want to randomly permute the order of characters in a Javascript string? Learn how!
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Can a Javascript function return multiple values?

Jul 5 2022

Dive deeper into Javascript functions and see whether a function can return multiple values.
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Javascript’s Array reduce() method

Jul 4 2022

Learn about the reduce() method in Javascript that computes functions over an entire array and returns accumulated results.
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How to loop through two arrays in Javascript

Jul 4 2022

Learn how to do the Javascript equivalent of the zip function from Python!
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Histograms in Python

Jul 3 2022

A histogram is a plot of the counts of (grouped) items in a given dataset. Learn how to compute histograms in Python!
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How to iterate through a Python dictionary

Jul 3 2022

Have a Python dictionary and would like to loop through it? Here are four ways to do so!
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Can you tame a panda in Minecraft?

July 1 2022

Can you tame a panda in Minecraft and make it your pet? Let us see...
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How to make a button in Minecraft

July 1 2022

Learn how to make buttons, one of Minecraft’s most useful redstone components!
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How to get Sugar in Minecraft

July 1 2022

Sugar is an essential ingredient in Minecraft foods and portions. Learn how to obtain it!
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The valueOf method in Javascript

Jun 6 2022

The valueOf method in Javascript returns the primitive value of an object without changing its original value.
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JavaScript’s Math.floor() Method

Jun 6 2022

Learn Javascript’s Math.floor() method using simple examples!
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Javascript's Array shift() method

Jun 3 2022

Javascript’s shift() method offers a convenient way to remove the first element of an array. Learn how to use it!
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Javascript’s Math.max() function

Jun 3 2022

Learn about the very useful Math.max() function in Javascript!
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How to check if a number is between two numbers in JavaScript

May 31 2022

Writing a Javascript program and trying to check if a number is in between two values? Learn how to do so!
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Computing powers in Javascript

May 31 2022

Looking to compute powers of numbers in your interactive webpage? Learn how to do so!
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How to make a shovel in Minecraft

May 22 2022

Shovels are one of the most essential tools in Minecraft. Learn how to obtain and use them!
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How to make a stone pickaxe in Minecraft

May 22 2022

Stone pickaxes are a very important tool in Minecraft. Learn how to craft them and how they can be used to mine blocks faster.
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How to merge multiple files into a single file in Python

May 21 2022

Given two or more files how do you merge them into a single file? Learn to write a Python program to do just that!
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How to implement a Stack in Python

May 21 2022

A stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure. Learn the many ways to create a stack in Python.
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How to initialize a Queue in Python

May 21 2022

A queue is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. Learn the many ways to create a queue in Python.
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How to count in a Python loop

May 19 2022

Python loops are so expressive that you can do two things at once: count and iterate!
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How to remove parentheses from strings in Python

May 19 2022

Have a Python string and need to remove parentheses from it? Learn three ways to do so!
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How to iterate through multiple lists in Python

May 19 2022

Have two or more lists and need to iterate through them simultaneously? Here are the ways.
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How to check if two dictionaries are equal in Python

May 18 2022

Looking for a quick way to compare two dictionaries in Python? Learn how!
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How to take input until Enter is pressed in Python

May 18 2022

Can you write an interactive Python program to take inputs from the user till the Enter key is pressed? Learn how!
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How to get a Hoe in Minecraft

May 17 2022

Hoes are a forgotten but useful item in Minecraft. Learn how to get hoes and how to use them!
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How to get a barrier block in Minecraft

May 17 2022

Barrier blocks are invisible blocks and are one of MInecraft’s least known features. Learn how to obtain them using commands and use them to impress your friends!
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How to make Pumpkin Pie in Minecraft

May 17 2022

Pumpkin Pie is a good food source in Minecraft. Learn how to get it!
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Python’s range() function

May 10 2022

Python’s range() function is very handy to write loops because it returns a list of numbers within a specified span of values.
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Python’s sum() function

May 10 2022

Python’s sum function takes an iterable and returns the sum of elements in it. Learn how to use it!
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Splitting a Text File by Lines in Python

May 9 2022

Learn about four different ways to split a text file in Python into lines. Which one is your favorite?
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How to convert a set to a tuple in Python

May 9 2022

Have a Python set and want to convert it into a tuple? Learn three ways to do so!
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How to remove trailing zeros in Python

May 4 2022

Have a Python string denoting a decimal and need to remove trailing zeros? Learn how!
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How to remove leading zeros in Python

May 4 2022

Have a Python string denoting a number and need to remove leading zeros? Learn how!
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How to get sticks in Minecraft

Apr 22 2022

Sticks are one of the most essential items in Minecraft; learn how to get them and their uses!
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What is Simulation Distance in Minecraft?

Apr 22 2022

Simulation distance in Minecraft defines which chunks loaded in your Minecraft environment are active. Learn how to set it and use it!
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How to make a bottle in Minecraft

Apr 22 2022

Learn how to make bottles in Minecraft and their many uses and properties!
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Stacks in Python

Apr 3 2022

Stacks are one of the most useful data structures in Python. Learn how to use them!
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Python’s file naming convention

Apr 3 2022

How should you name your Python files, functions, classes, modules, and packages? Read on to learn how!
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How to Spawn a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft

Feb 21 2022

Learn how to spawn one of the rarest mobs in Minecraft and what you can do with them!
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How to make horse armor in Minecraft

Feb 20 2022

Want to decorate your horse with armor? Learn how to get horse armor and how to use it!
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Method Overloading in Python

Feb 20 2022

Can you have a Python program where a method has different meanings at different points in a program? Yes!
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What does multishot do in Minecraft?

Feb 20 2022

Multishot is a Minecraft enchantment that allows you to shoot three arrows at a time but at the cost of just one arrow! Learn how to get this enchantment!
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How to Summon Lightning in Minecraft

Feb 20 2022

Lightning is a rare occurrence in Minecraft and can be lucky or unlucky depending on your point of view. Here are the ways in which you can summon lightning!
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Tuple Index Out of Range!

Feb 20 2022

Do you get the dreaded “Tuple Index Out of Range” error in your Python program? Learn what it means and how to fix it!
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Measuring Elapsed Time in Python

Feb 20 2022

Would you like to time your Python program to see how fast it runs? Learn about ways to measure elapsed time!
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Ordered Sets in Python

Feb 20 2022

An ordered set is just like a set in that it disallows duplicates but it maintains the order of elements. Learn how to implement ordered sets in Python!
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Python Set pop()

Feb 18 2022

Have a Python set and want to pop an element? Here’s how to do it!
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How do you measure file size in Python?

Feb 18 2022

You will sometimes encounter the need to measure the size of files from within a Python program. Here are 5 ways to do so!
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Python toString()

Feb 18 2022

Learn how to print any object into a string using Python’s custom methods!
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Python's str() function

Feb 17 2022

It is sometimes handy to take an object and convert it into a string. Learn Python’s very useful str() function!
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Can your Python string be an integer?

Feb 17 2022

Have a string and need to check if it actually denotes an integer? Here are 4 ways to do so!
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Prepending to a list in Python

Feb 15 2022

If you dabble in Python lists, here are useful ways to prepend elements to a list!
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Python’s Double Slash

Feb 15 2022

Do you know the difference between 5/2 and 5//2 in Python? When do you use which operator?
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Boolean Operators in Python

Feb 13 2022

Learn how to write boolean expressions using Python’s in built boolean operators!
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Private Methods in Python

Feb 13 2022

Private methods in a Python class are a good way to encapsulate functionality. Learn when you can make use of them!
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Formatting strings in Python

Feb 9 2022

Python has versatile ways to format strings, i.e., to create strings from templates. Learn how they work!
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How to send emails using Python

Feb 9 2022

Need to send hundreds of emails and looking for a convenient solution? Learn how to use a mail API and Python to programmatically send emails!
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The Python __call__ method

Feb 8 2022

Learn about Python’s special method __call__ which makes objects callable, leading to more readable code!
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Print a Python List (5 ways)

Feb 8 2022

Python is one of the most multifaceted languages out there; learn about 5 different ways to print a list! Which one is your favorite?
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Python hasattr()

Feb 7 2022

hasattr() is a very useful function in Python that can be used to check if a given object has a specified attribute.
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Python's not in operator

Feb 7 2022

'not in' as the name indicates is an operator that checks if a given input is not present in a given sequence. See where we can make use of it!
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Python pow()

Jan 31 2022

What is the remainder when 7 to the power of 49 is divided by 5? Python’s pow() is a handy function to get you the result in one line!
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Python chr()

Jan 31 2022

Ever wonder how Python stores characters internally? Learn about the Python chr() function!
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Python’s min function

Jan 30 2022

Analogous to max(), the min() function in Python takes an iterable (e.g., a list) as input and returns the minimum value in that iterable.
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Python’s max function

Jan 30 2022

The max() function in Python is a versatile function that takes any type of iterable (e.g., a list) as input and returns the maximum value in that iterable.
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How to get Orange Dye in Minecraft

Jan 3 2022

Orange is a rare color in Minecraft but there are some interesting ways to obtain orange dye!
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How to get out of a Boat in Minecraft

Jan 3 2022

Learn all about crafting boats, riding boats, and getting out of a boat in Minecraft!
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Initializing a Python dictionary

Dec 30 2021

Learn about 8 different ways to initialize a Python dictionary. Which one is your favorite?
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Empty Dictionaries in Python

Dec 30 2021

Learn how to work with empty dictionaries in Python: creating them and testing for emptiness.
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Python Dictionary Length

Dec 30 2021

Dictionaries hold key-value pairs in a data structure and it is often useful to find the length of a dictionary. Learn how!
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Python’s Inline If

Dec 30 2021

If...else statements are important to any Python programmer; the inline if is a shorthand that leads to more readable statements.
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Python Memory Errors: Why they happen and how to fix them

Dec 30 2021

Memory errors can occasionally happen in your Python program. Learn four reasons why they happen and how to to fix them.
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Printing to stderr in Python

Dec 30 2021

stderr, or 'standard error', is the channel where error messages from your Python program are recorded. Learn how to print to stderr from your program.
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How to capitalize the first letters of words in a string

Dec 30 2021

Haven’t you found it necessary to sometimes take a string and capitalize the first letter of each word? Here are 5 handy ways to do so.
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Python’s XOR Operator

Dec 30 2021

The XOR operator in Python computes the logical exclusive disjunction of two boolean variables or two binary numbers.
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What does Piercing do in Minecraft?

Dec 30 2021

Piercing is a Minecraft enchantment that you can put on crossbows which enables arrows to pass through entities.
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How to make a Lever in Minecraft

Dec 30 2021

Levers are a very useful redstone tool in Minecraft. Learn how to get levers and how to use them in your own world!
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What does Fortune do in Minecraft?

Dec 28 2021

Fortune is a Minecraft enchantment you can put on mining and digging tools to increase the number and/or chances of specific item drops.
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How to Make a Ladder in Minecraft

Dec 28 2021

Ladders are very useful in Minecraft, easy to make, and quite cheap. Learn how to make ladders and their many uses!
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Python’s If Not Operator

Dec 28 2021

Python’s if not operator tests if some condition is not true and can be a succinct way to describe some types of program logic.
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How to Copy a List in Python

Dec 28 2021

Learn about the many ways to copy a list in Python and which one to use in a given setting.
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Python startswith(): A Simple Guide

Dec 28 2021

Python startswith() is a very handy method to check if a string starts with a certain prefix.
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Python’s isnumeric() method

Dec 28 2021

Python strings sometimes are made up of numbers and can thus be interpreted in a numerical manner. isnumeric() is a very useful method for Python programmers.
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How to Make a Bucket in Minecraft

Dec 28 2021

Buckets are very useful and sought after in Minecraft and can be obtained by either crafting and finding.
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Finding the length of a Python list

Dec 27 2021

How do you find the length of a list in Python? Learn about Python’s built-in len() method and other functions.
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Python's Ternary Operator

Dec 27 2021

Ternary operators in Python are nice syntactic shorthands for conditional statements that make your program more readable. Read on to understand how and when to use them.
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All about Python Empty Lists

Dec 27 2021

Checkout this handy tutorial to create empty lists in Python or check if a given list is empty.
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Writing to a File in Python

Dec 27 2021

Python has very useful functions that make it easy to write to text files and even append to existing files. See how!
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What do horses eat in Minecraft?

Dec 26 2021

Horses in Minecraft eat a range of different foods. Learn about the best sources of food for a horse and how to assess a horses’ health!
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How to make cookies in Minecraft

Dec 26 2021

Cookies can be obtained in Minecraft by either crafting or trading. Read on to see how!
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How to get Scutes in Minecraft

Dec 26 2021

Do you want to get scutes in Minecraft but not sure how to go about it? Read this blogpost to find out how!
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How to make an item frame in Minecraft

Dec 26 2021

Item frames are used in Minecraft to convert items into decorative wall hangings and art pieces. Learn how to build item frames!
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How to get Charcoal in Minecraft

Dec 26 2021

Charcoal is produced by burning planks or logs in a furnace or by finding it in other settings. Learn how to get charcoal and its many uses in Minecraft!
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How to Open a Text File in Python

Dec 14 2021

It is easy to use Python to read content from a file and process them in your program. Read on to see how!
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How to Concatenate Strings

Oct 26 2021

Concatenating strings refers to joining them one after the other. Python provides multiple ways to concatenate strings.
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How to get clay in Minecraft

Oct 25 2021

Clay is a useful material in Minecraft. Four clay balls can be used to make a block of clay and these blocks can be used to craft items like bricks and terracotta. This post shows how to get clay and how to further craft or trade items using the clay.
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What do chickens eat in Minecraft?

Oct 25 2021

This blogpost tells you all about chickens. What do chickens eat? Can they be used as food? Read on to learn about all these and additional fun facts about chickens.
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How to make a carpet in Minecraft

Oct 25 2021

Carpet is a very useful material in Minecraft. It is typically used as a decorative block and it is also used as a fuel. This article covers everything you need to know to make carpets in Minecraft.
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Can villagers open doors in Minecraft?

Oct 25 2021

Can villagers open doors in Minecraft? Can they open gates, trap doors? What about wooden chests? It is important to know the answers to these questions as you will need to protect your creations from the villagers.
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Python Pointers: Do we need them?

Oct 25 2021

Pointers are very common in low-level languages like C and C++ and although you do not need to use them explicitly in Python, understanding how they work behind the scenes will make you appreciate many implementation details.
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How to get rid of water in Minecraft

Oct 24 2021

There are different ways to get rid of water in Minecraft. One way is to use dry sponges to remove water. Other ways involve using a water bucket, using sand and gravel or using enchantments.
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Python reduce()

Oct 19 2021

Python’s reduce() function takes a function and uses it to perform a rolling computation over an iterable such as a list.
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Python map()

Oct 19 2021

Python’s map() function can be viewed as a shorthand for a for loop. It takes a function and an iterable (e.g., a list or array) and applies the same function on each element of the iterable.
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Minecraft Enderman Farm

Oct 17 2021

Make a working Minecraft Enderman farm with this handy how-to guide!
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Python Set Operations

Oct 17 2021

Discover Python sets! Python provides a very flexible set data structure and a wide range of operations so you don’t have to implement your own.
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How to get arrows in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Arrows can be used as an attack weapon in Minecraft. In this post, we show you how to craft arrows with different ingredients.
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How to make shears in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Shears can be used to mine things faster in Minecraft. In this blog, we show you how you can craft your own shears in the crafting table.
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How to make a flower pot in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Flower pots can be used to grow plants, create a garden or show off your flowers. There are two ways to get a flower pot in Minecraft.
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How to get sponges in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Dry sponges can be used to dry places and a sponge that is wet has to be dried before it can be used again. There are two ways to get sponges.
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How to get acacia wood in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Acacia wood can be used as a building block for furniture and other structures and it can also be used as a source of fuel. There are different ways to get Acacia wood in Minecraft.
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Making white dye in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

White dye can be used to dye sheep, beds, wool, terracotta, concrete and more. Learn to make white dye with different ingredients.
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How to brew potions in Minecraft

Oct 12 2021

Potions are very useful during gameplay in Minecraft. They can increase the player’s strength, harm enemies or restore a player’s health. Learn to make your own potions.
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20 best subscription boxes for kids 2021

Oct 8 2021

Take a look at 20 best subscription boxes for kids. Subscription boxes provide a convenient, cost effective and effective way to learn new skills ranging from Engineering, Science, Crafts, Drawing, Cooing and more.
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The Fibonacci Sequence

Sep 27 2021

Fibonacci numbers are a famous sequence of numbers that occur in many natural contexts. Learn how to generate and experiment with them using Python programs.
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What is a loop in programming?

Sep 27 2021

A loop is a basic building block of coding and is referred to as a programming structure. Let’s take a look at the types of loops and how they are used within a program.
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The Beginner's Guide to Python Turtle

Sep 13 2021

Python’s Turtle is a popular module that provides many useful functions for drawing graphics, animations, and games. Learn how you can command the turtle to draw graphics!
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What is Python used for?

Aug 2 2021

Learn why Python is one of the most popular programming languages out there and the myriad places where it is used.
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5 ways to get better at pvp in Minecraft

Aug 1 2021

PvP (Player-vs-Player) is a Minecraft gameplay mode where players fight each other and the winner gains the items, reputation, and power of the vanquished player.
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What is a villager trading hall in Minecraft?

July 27 2021

In Minecraft, a villager trading hall is a space where the player can trade with villagers. Read this blog to learn to build a simple, yet cool trading hall.
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Minecraft Glossary

July 26 2021

This is your guide to all Minecraft terms. Parents, start here to get familiar with Minecraft terminology so you can converse with your little Minecraft champ.
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Minecraft Manhunt

July 24 2021

Minecraft Manhunt is a fun and exciting game that has gained a lot of popularity. Read this blog to learn about Minecraft Manhunt.
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Minecraft Coding for Kids

July 22 2021

Learn how Minecraft is an ideal vehicle to introduce the love of coding to your budding programmers. Minecraft supports both block-based languages like MakeCode and textual languages like Python and Java.
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How to kill mobs in Minecraft

July 20 2021

Did you know that there are 50 mobs in Minecraft? Read this blog to learn how to kill each one of the 50 mobs and improve your Minecraft game play skills.
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The Python sqrt() function

July 19 2021

Python’s sqrt() computes square roots and you can use it in interesting ways to solve mathematical problems.
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The Python print() function

July 18 2021

Python’s print() is a versatile function that provides various options to format and style the output from your programs.
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Recursion in Python

July 17 2021

Recursion is a style of programming where a function calls itself one or more times repeatedly until a desired condition is met. Many classical algorithms in computer science are recursive in nature.
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16 Ways to MLG in Minecraft

July 16 2021

MLG or Major League Gaming is a set of cool tricks that can be used to save the player from a fall. In this blog, we teach you 16 different ways you can MLG in Minecraft.
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Magic Square Generator

July 15 2021

Magic squares add up to the same number along rows, columns, and diagonals. Here is a Python program to generate them.
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Pygame Tutorial

July 14 2021

Learn to use the Pygame library in Python to create your first game. This tutorial is meant for beginners looking to get started with Pygame.
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Everything you wanted to know about pygame

July 13 2021

Learn about the Python pygame library and its capabilities.
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Repl: Everything you wanted to know about the browser based IDE

July 12 2021

Repl allows you to write, run, debug, and maintain code all in your browser! Read on to learn about repl.
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How to get Mods in Minecraft Education Edition

July 11 2021

Are you looking to add mods to your Minecraft Education Edition? Read this post and follow the steps to get your mods.
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Arrays versus Lists in Python: What is the Difference?

July 10 2021

Arrays and Lists are two very similar data structures in Python but have important differences. Read on to learn about them!
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TinkerCAD Tutorial: Netflix on Television

July 9 2021

This blog is a TinkerCAD tutorial where we teach you to build a 3D model of a television with Netflix on it. Follow the instructions to build your own model and share with friends.
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Solving the Tower of Hanoi in Python

July 9 2021

Learn about this ancient mathematical puzzle and the classical computer science solution to it, along with a Python implementation.
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Parents Guide to Roblox Programming 2021

July 9 2021

In this blog, we try to answer all the questions a parent may have when they first enter the world of Roblox game play and programming.
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How to make a Roblox game

July 9 2021

Do you have a Roblox lover at home? Do you want to get them from playing to programming? Here is a great beginner’s project that uses Roblox Studio to make a Roblox game.
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How to make a password generator in Python

July 8 2021

Learn to write your own Python program that will generate a random password.
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How to use Redstone in Minecraft

July 7 2021

Are you tired of building structures in Minecraft? Would you like to create electrical contraptions and build machinery? Welcome to the world of Redstone in Minecraft!
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5 Algorithms and their popular applications

July 6 2021

Algorithms are pervasive in computer science - read this post to learn about five of the most popular algorithms and their myriad applications.
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Quicksort Primer

July 5 2021

Quicksort is a very popular in-place sorting algorithm so named because it is significantly faster than many other sorting algorithms. Learn about it including an implementation in Python.
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15 things Beginners should try doing in Minecraft 2021

July 4 2021

Minecraft is a wonderful sandbox game and the creative mode offers a variety of great learning opportunities for kids.
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Merge Sort Primer

July 3 2021

Merge sort is a classical divide-and-conquer algorithm. Learn the details of how merge sort works and a sample implementation in Python.
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Insertion Sort Primer

July 2 2021

Insertion sort is a very simple algorithm for sorting, mimicking the way you sort cards in your hand. Get into the details of how Insertion Sort works and a sample implementation in Python.
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25 Frequently asked Questions about Minecraft

July 1 2021

Are you a beginner wanting to make cool things with Minecraft? Here is an exhaustive list of things you can make in Minecraft and share with your friends!
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10 things you need to know about the USACO

June 30 2021

USACO is a highly competitive computing olympiad for high school students interested in a career in Computer Science.
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Bubble Sort Primer

June 29 2021

Bubble Sort is a very popular and simple algorithm for sorting. Learn how Bubble Sort works and how to implement it using Python.
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Learn Python enumerate()

June 28 2021

Python’s enumerate() function is used to loop through strings, list, arrays and any other iterable object. Use iterators to build a search engine!
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Tutorial: Scratch Project to build your own Backpack

June 27 2021

Learn to make this cool project to share with your friends. It is a Scratch project to build your own backpack using superhero sprites!
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What are algorithms?

June 25 2021

What is an algorithm? How do they surface in our everyday lives? Learn about the history of algorithms, the types of algorithms, and some famous algorithms in computer science.
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HTML Coding for Kids and Teens: Learn HTML in 10 Minutes

June 24 2021

HTML is the programming language of the web. Learning to code in HTML is a great first step for a rewarding career in web development.
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How to make a Random Number Generator in Python

June 23 2021

Random numbers are crucial to realism in gaming, cryptography, and simulation. Learn all about random numbers, how they are used, and how to generate them in Python.
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Everything you wanted to know about the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

June 22 2021

Choosing an integrated development environment to edit and run your code is the first important step to becoming a successful software developer.
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What is Scratch? A Parent’s Guide to Scratch Coding 2021

June 21 2021

Learning to code is a lifelong skill that can be challenging as well as rewarding. A child’s coding journey begins with Scratch.
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Minecraft vs Roblox

June 20 2021

What are the differences between Minecraft and Roblox? Which is better: Minecraft or Roblox? Read on.
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Meet Kodecliker Anant: ACSL Elementary Division 2020-2021 International Gold Winner

June 19 2021

Kodeclik-er Anant R, rising sixth grader from the Nysmith School for the Gifted in Northern Virginia, is the international gold winner of the 2020-2021 ACSL Elementary Division! Anant explains how Kodeclik helped him excel in this international competition.
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Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update Part 1 June 2021

June 13 2021

The long-awaited Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update is finally here! Read on to learn about the exciting features they have in store for you!
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14 things you should know about the ACSL

June 12 2021

The American Computer Science League (ACSL) offers computer science and programming competitions to K-12 students. Kodeclik’s award-winning ACSL curriculum has helped our students excel at the international level.
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Planet animation with Scratch 3.0

Apr 11 2021

Scratch is a block based programming language developed at the MIT media lab. In this project, we will show you how to create fascinating animations from very simple Scratch blocks.
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Parents guide to Minecraft Modding 2020

Dec 10 2020

Minecraft modding is one of the most popular ways to ease your child into the world of coding! If you are not familiar with Minecraft and how you can learn coding, here is your guide!
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Learn to code: Top careers in the digital economy

June 6 2020

As you look around, you will see smartphones, smart gadgets, mobile apps, online games, mobile banking, virtual reality, augmented reality, chat-bots, robots, self-driving cars and online businesses. Everything in today’s world runs on code.
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Coding for kids: 6 cool apps to start coding

Apr 17 2020

Coding is fast becoming an ubiquitous skill of the digital economy and the number one question parents often have is “where do I start”?
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Coding for Kids: Top 5 skills kids learn by coding

Dec 25 2019

How kids learn valuable skills in creativity, problem solving, logic, passion, and persistence
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Top 6 Python libraries for kids

Dec 10 2019

Learn about several fun-tastic Python libraries for kids to get into turtle graphics, game playing, machine learning, and more!
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What is block based programming?

Dec 1 2019

In block-based coding, you create programs by dragging and attaching blocks on a canvas rather than by writing code. The blocks snap together just like Lego blocks stacking together
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What is a cookie?

Nov 23 2019

A cookie is simply a file that is deposited on your computer by a website you visit. E.g., if you visit the website for the Avengers movie, the site will create a file on your computer that it can lookup next time you visit the same site.
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Scratch Coding: Block based programming

Nov 19, 2019

Scratch is a block based programming language developed at the Lifelong Kidergarten at MIT’s Media lab. It is a wonderful tool that can be used to introduce coding to kids at age 8-12.
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Announcing KodeContest

Oct 19, 2019

Contest problems, rules and submission guidelines will be posted on Oct 30th. Stay tuned!
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Top kids coding languages

Oct 1, 2019

Learn about block-based and textual coding languages and what is right for your rising programmer!
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