Online Coding and Math classes for kids and teens
Best online coding classes for kids and teens. Join us today to learn coding with our premier instructors and comprehensive curriculum.
Trusted by parents who work at places like

Our Programs
Explore our Structured Curriculum
Kids are introduced to the world of programming through block based coding and gradually progress to programming languages. Our Math students acquire a solid foundation in Pre-Algebra and Geometry. Join our vibrant community of students and teachers!
- Age 12-18
- Age 10-12
Instructor Spotlight
The right instructor completes our stellar program experience. All our instructors are fun loving, tech geeks who are passionate about teaching and learning with the kids.

Parents and students love us
Kids have a blast at our online classes and parents love us ♥
Five-star parent reviews.
Susan M.
- My son went to the Python 1 camp and loved it so much that we signed him up Python 2 and he really learned a lot from both the camps. Great instructors, fun and engaging camps. We will sign up again.
Meera S.
- I signed up my 8 year old for the Scratch class and my son had a blast in this class. He is now returning for another session.
Tracie W.
- Awesome! Our gifted son enjoys the curriculum and is always excited to code with Kodeclik. Great projects, highly recommend.
Anu N.
- My son had fun at the Minecraft camp. The instructor was great and the projects were super fun. We plan to sign up again next year.
Brian T.
- Good morning. My son Quinn took the Minecraft mod camp and really enjoyed it, but we didn't know when to sign up for the next week. Would it be too late to get into a class today if we paid for the camp now?
Amy J.
- My daughters took the Scratch summer camp and absolutely loved it. The instructor was great and my daughters are still showing their wotk to family and friends. They are really sad that the camp has ended and want to go back.
Kristen G.
- I am very happy with Kodeclik! My son began learning Python and is now very proficient with creating his own programs and showing them off. He wanted to sign up for Python 2 (Turtle Graphics) class and he is now enjoying that as well. Strongly recommend!
Priya M.
- My boys are having so much fun with Kodeclik and are learning so much. Wonderful teacher!
Haritha U.
- The Python camps were good and my 11 year old daughter learnt a lot. She is now taking Python classes with Kodeclik and is very much interested in coding.
Andy G.
- Just dropping a quick note of thanks and praise to Jacob C. — my son August has been glowing about how much he likes being in your Minecraft makecode class, and I’ve been impressed with the neat things he’s been accomplishing with you. Thank you so much and nice work! - Cheers, Andy
Maria F.
- My son was very excited to go to the Minecraft camp and has really enjoyed the camp and loves the instructor. We'll definitely sign up again.
Vicki C.
- I signed up my son for Python 1, but my son had already been to another Python camp earlier this summer. Kodeclik's camp was wonderful and my son learnt a lot even though he had previously attended another Python camp. We also signed up for Python 2 and he really enjoyed the camp. We are now looking forward to doing Java with Kodeclik.
Stephanie L.
- Very different from the other coding websites, I’m glad we found Kodeclik. My kids are learning real world programming and are working on advanced projects.
Yashika A.
- Do you still run the python code camp for next week? I would like to join in that one, too. just let me know if you have one or if next week you are teaching the same thing as this week. Thank you! (I really enjoyed this week's class, by the way!)
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How to add time delays to Javascript
Sometimes you might need to add delays to your Javascript program. This could be for user experience improvements, for instance when you want to display a notification for or after a certain duration, or when you want to create an animation or transition with timed steps. Let us learn how to do so!
READ MOREScience websites and Youtube channels for kids
In today's digital age, children have a wide range of interests. Whether they're curious about space, dinosaurs, or the inner workings of the human body, these websites and YouTube channels offer engaging content that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning.
Control structures in Python
A quick primer on control structures in Python. A control structure is something that affects the flow of control in a Python program. Typically Python programs are executed from the first line to the last line. Consider the following program: