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How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, is credited with the invention of the Celsius temperature scale in 1742.

The Celsius is based on 0° for the freezing point of water and 100° for the boiling point of water. Initially, Celsius designed the scale in the opposite order, with 0° as the boiling point and 100° as the freezing point, but it was later reversed by other scientists. The Celsius scale is sometimes referred to as the centigrade scale due to the 100-degree interval between the defined points. It is widely used in the scientific community and in countries that have adopted the metric system of units.

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The widespread use of the Celsius scale is attributed to its simplicity and the fact that it replaced the Fahrenheit scale in scientific usage and across most of Europe. While there was initially some resistance to Celsius' innovation, the scale's advantages became apparent over time, leading to its adoption in scientific and everyday use.

The Fahrenheit scale on the other hand is used in the United States, and its colonies and territories, and a few other small nations.

The conversion formula from Celsius to Fahrenheit is °F = (9/5 × °C) + 32. Try the below form out to get the hang of this formula!

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

(Type in either textbox to convert)

Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit in Javascript

Let us write a simple Javascript program and embed it in a form so you can use it to do your own calculations! This program is a vanilla one so it doesn't have styling, error catching, etc.

This code creates a simple HTML form with a label, an input textbox, and a button. When the button is clicked, the convert() function is called. This function retrieves the value of the input textbox, converts it to the desired scale, and displays the result in a paragraph element with the id "result". As mentioned earlier, the conversion is done by our simplel formula above. The form and results will look like:

Use Javascript to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Note that this code assumes that the input is a valid number. It does not perform any input validation or error handling. Don’t try silly things like negative numbers - it will work but the results are not particularly meaningful. Similarly if you give a non-number as input it will result in NaN results (Not a Number).

Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit in Python

Here's a Python function that does our conversion for us:

Pretty simple, isn't it?

Here are some examples of using this Python function:

There are other ways to convert temperatures in Python, such as using specialized modules for working with units. However, the function we have written is a simple and straightforward way to perform this conversion.

Now that you have learnt how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, learn to do the reverse, i.e., convert Fahrenheit to Celsius!

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