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How to fix a taberror in a Python if statement

Python’s TabError is a common issue that occurs when you are beginning to learn Python programming and you mixup spaces and tabs in code indentation.

Python uses indentation to determine code blocks, so consistency is crucial for proper code execution. For instance, the body of an “if” statement is often indented to make its structure clear, and you should consistently use either tabs or spaces for indentation within your code. Mixing them will lead to a “Taberror”.

Python taberror in if-else statement

Let'sexplore how this error manifests in if-else statements and how to fix it.

Incorrect Mixing of Tabs and Spaces

Here's an example of code that will trigger a TabError:

def check_number(n):
    if n > 0:
        print("Positive")    # indented with spaces
	else:                    # indented with tab
        print("Not Positive")    # indented with spaces

The program above is simple enough. Given a number it checks if it is greater than zero and if so prints positive, else prints that it is not positive.

If you run this program you will get an error such as:

  File "main.py", line 4
    else:                    # indented with tab
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

The code raises a TabError because it mixes tabs and spaces. The else statement uses a tab while the rest uses spaces. You need to stick with one form. For instance, here is a fix:

def check_number(n):
    if n > 0:
        print("Not Positive")    

In the above code, we have used 4 spaces as a uniform indentation mechanism. This program will work and not raise any errors.

To avoid TabErrors in your Python code, you should learn to be consistent. Standardize whether you are a tab person or a spaces person and once you have decided, make sure you are consistent everywhere in your Python program.

If you use modern code editors, e.g., Visual Studio Code, they allow you to configure various settings so you can avoid this error completely. For instance, you can configure whether the Tab key when pressed inserts a Tab character or four spaces. You can set your editor to use spaces (and four spaces is recommended for indentation) and you will be all set!

If your code already contains a mix of tabs and spaces, tough luck! You need to clean it up before you can proceed. You can use a “Find and Replace All” feature in your code editor to find all instances of, say, Tabs and replace them with four space characters. Some editors might even have a specialized function to convert tabs to spaces.

Here’s a second example of fixing taberrors. First, the wrong code:

# Wrong - Mixed indentation
def calculate_total(price):
    if price > 100:
	    return price * 0.9   # tab indentation
        return price         # space indentation

And now the correct code:

# Correct - Consistent spaces
def calculate_total(price):
    if price > 100:
        return price * 0.9   # 4 spaces
        return price         # 4 spaces

A Python program to fix Python indentation errors

Lets write a Python program that can read a Python program (from a file) and help fix TabErrors by standardizing indentation.

Here’s a solution from basic first principles:

def fix_indentation(file_path):
    # Read the file content
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()

    # Convert all indentation to spaces
    fixed_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        # Calculate leading whitespace
        leading_space = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
        # Convert any tabs to 4 spaces
        fixed_line = ' ' * (leading_space * 4) + line.lstrip()

    # Write back to file
    with open(file_path + '.fixed.py', 'w') as file:

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    file_path = "this.py"

In the above program, we first read a Python source file and fixes its indentation by converting all leading whitespace (tabs or spaces) to a consistent format of 4 spaces per indentation level. For each line, it calculates the number of leading whitespace characters by subtracting the length of the left-stripped line from the original line length, then multiplies this count by 4 to create the proper number of spaces. The fixed lines are written to a new file with '.fixed.py' appended to the original filename.
The program uses a context manager (with statement) for safe file handling, first reading all lines from the input file, then processing them one by one to standardize indentation, and finally writing the corrected version to a new file. The if __name__ == "__main__": block allows the code to be run as a standalone script, where it will process a file named "this.py" in the current directory.

When run on the following program (ie this is the contents of “this.py”):

if price > 100:
  return price * 0.9   # tab indentation
  return price         # space indentation

We will get (ie this will be the contents of “this.py.fixed.py”):

if price > 100:
        return price * 0.9   # tab indentation
        return price         # space indentation

(Note that we have replaced the tab indents with space indents but of course the old comments remain.) This program will now work.

In general you shouldn’t have to write your own Python program to fix taberrors. This is a feature of all modern coding environments.

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